Portland City Dental
138 SE 80th Ave, Portland, OR 97215-1522 (503) 256-7917
Main Webpages
Portland City Dental | Dentist Portland, OR | Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
At Portland City Dental, our experienced team of specialists is invested in meeting all of your dental needs. Click here to learn more and give us a call today!
About Us • Dentist SE Portland, OR • Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, your bright, healthy smile is our top priority. Our experienced team is invested in meeting all of your dental needs. Learn more here!
Patient Information
Patient Information • Dentist SE Portland, OR • Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, we gladly accept new patients! Click here for patient information about billing, new patient forms, insurance, and more. Call us today!
Dental Services • Dentist Portland, OR • Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, you will find we offer a variety of dental services to meet your healthcare needs. Click here to learn more and give us a call today!
Contact Us • Dentist SE Portland • Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, we gladly welcome new patients! Click here for contact information if you have questions about billing, procedures, or anything else!
Meet Dr. Dan Rodriguez
Meet Dr. Daniel Rodriguez | Dentist Portland, OR | Portland City Dental
Dr. Dan is a firm believer in a holistic approach to dentistry, which focuses on a patient's overall general health, as well as their oral healthcare needs. Learn more!
Dental Technology
Dental Technology | Dentist Portland, OR | Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, our investment in advanced technology is also a long-term investment in your oral health. Click here to learn more and call us today!
New Patient Forms
New Patient Forms | Dentist Portland, OR | Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, we offer a variety of dental services to meet your oral healthcare needs. Click here for new patient forms, and give us a call today!
Financial & Insurance
Financial & Insurance | Dentist Portland, OR | Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, we want our patients to be as informed as possible. Click here for information about billing and insurance, and give us a call today!
Patient Testimonials
Patient Testimonials | Dentist Portland, OR | Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, we love hearing from our patients! Click here to read our patient testimonials and give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
Family Dentistry
Family Dentistry | Dentist Portland, OR | Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, we gladly welcome patients of all ages and offer a variety of services to suit your family's needs. Click here to learn more and call us today!
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry | Dentist Portland, OR | Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, we offer a variety of restorative dental services, including crowns, dentures, and dental implants. Click here to learn more and call us today!
Cosmetic Dentistry
- cosmetic dentistry SE Portland
Cosmetic Dentistry | Dentist Portland, OR | Portland City Dental
At Portland City Dental, our cosmetic services include whitening, veneers, neuromuscular orthodontics and more. Click here if you're ready for a brand new smile!
Senior Dentistry
Senior Dentistry | Portland City Dental | Portland, OR
Our staff at Portland City Dental can help our patients better understand senior dentistry conditions, and advise them on both oral hygiene routines to incorporate at home, or treatment if needed, going forward.
Other Webpages
Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?
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Portland, OR |
Are Dental Implants Affordable
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Portland, OR |
Are Dental Implants Safe
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Portland, OR |
Benefits of Dental Implants
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Portland, OR |
Bone Grafting
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Portland, OR |
Broken Tooth
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Portland OR |
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Portland, OR |
Caring for Dental Implants
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Portland, OR |
Chipped Teeth
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Portland, OR |
Cosmetic Bonding
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Dentist SE Portland |
Cracked Tooth
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Crowns vs. Inlays & Onlays
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Dental Bonding
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Dental Bridges
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Dental Cleanings
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Dental Crowns
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Portland, OR |
Dental Exams
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Portland, OR |
Dental FAQs For Kids
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Dental Fillings
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Dental Implant Materials
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Portland, OR |
Dental Implant Placement
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Portland, OR |
Dental Implant Procedure
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Dentist Portland, OR |
Dental Implant Restoration
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Dental Implants
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Portland, OR |
Dental Implants FAQ
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Portland, OR |
Dental Implants vs Bridges or Dentures
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Portland, OR |
Dental Implants vs Mini Implants
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Dental Veneers
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Dentistry for Kids
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Portland, OR |
Dentures - Complete and Partials
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Dentures to Implant Bridge
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Digital X-Rays
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Portland, OR |
Fluoride Treatment
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Portland, OR |
How Long Is The Recovery Process For Implants
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How Missing Teeth Can Change Your Life
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How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?
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Inlays & Onlays
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Portland, OR |
Intraoral Camera
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Laser Dentistry
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Mini Dental Implant
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Dentist Montavilla, OR |
Mouth Guards
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Dentist Portland, OR |
Mt. Tabor
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Dentist Mt. Tabor, OR |
Multiple Tooth Implant
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Portland, OR |
Neuromuscular Orthodontics
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Dentist SE Portland |
Night Guards
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Portland, OR |
North Tabor
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Oral Appliance Therapy
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Oral Cancer Screenings
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Portland, OR |
Periodontal Care
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Portland, OR |
Periodontal Maintenance
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Portland, OR |
Placing Dental Crowns
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Portland, OR |
Porcelain Crowns
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Portland, OR |
Root Canals
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Portland, OR |
Single Tooth Implant
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Portland, OR |
Sleep Apnea
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Portland, OR |
South Tabor
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Sports Mouth Guards
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Portland, OR |
Teeth Whitening
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Portland, OR |
TMJ Treatments
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Portland, OR |
Tooth Decay
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Tooth Decay |
Tooth Extractions
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Portland, OR |
Tooth Extractions For Pain Management
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Portland, OR |
Tooth Loss
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Dentist SE Portland |
Veneers vs Dental Crowns
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West Haven Sylvan, OR
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West Slope, OR
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What Are Dental Crowns
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Portland, OR |
What Are Dental Crowns Used For?
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Portland, OR |
Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants
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Portland, OR |
Wisdom Teeth Extraction
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Primary Categories
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